Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Claims on The Orange Chicken

Practical haiku.
Labeled leftovers in fridge.
"Please do not eat this".

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Long Car Rides

My driving "bubble".
The noise permeates the van.
"Did you say something?"

Psalm 90 Reflection

Do you dwell on time?
Do you want a little more?
God's the time keeper.

A Great Weekend

Friday: Saw Coldplay.
Saturday: Went to "Wicked".
Sunday: Outdoor Day.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Meeting on the Road

A meeting at Payne's.
Cafe' mocha or custard?
Work and fellowship.

Therapy Session

Working the garden.
Therapy and solitude.
Great to be outdoors!

Early Father's Day Gift

A Father Day's gift.
Tickets to Coldplay concert!
Thanks so much Colleen!

The Menagerie

Three week-old kittens.
Too bad they grow into cats.
Does anybody want one?

Tennis Tonight

Played tennis tonight.
Good weather and exercise.
Plus family time!

Getting the Garden In

The garden is in!
Tomatoes, peppers and squash.
Let's see what happens.

Prayer Time

Prayer time this morn.
Sharing what's on minds and hearts.
A good group of guys.

The Rio Grande Gorge

  Outside of Taos. Erosion marches onward. The Rio Grande Gorge.