Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Cheerful Giver

We’re called to steward.
Remember - God provides all.
So give cheerfully.

Based on 2 Corinthians 9:7

The Greenway in Muncie

A sparse trail today.
On a cool, cloudy Sunday.
Music and think time.

2020 World Series

The Rays and Dodgers.
Competing in the Series.
Fun to watch again!

Logo courtesy of Major League Baseball

Friday, October 23, 2020

Eastern Indiana Cultural Geography Lesson

My Catholic roots.
Plus twenty-four Midwest years.
Affirmed and declared!!! 

Photo: Church of the Most Holy Trinity in
Trinity, Indiana.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Autumn in a Small Town

 Afternoon colors.
In small town Indiana.
October shows well.

Autumn 2020 in Indiana


The view from my door.
Autumn colors at their peak.
Midwestern showcase.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Simple Pleasures 5


Life's simple pleasures.
Like a plane row to myself.
I'm grateful indeed.

Mark 10:45 - What an Example

The Son of Man came.
Not to be served but to serve.
And to give His life.

Excuses, Excuses?

What things hold you back?
It is not what we don't have.
It's what we don't use.

Credit goes to Bob Goff’s Book Everybody Always

Jars of Clay

We are flawed vessels.     
Made with love by the Potter.  
Our cracks show His Light.         

The Rio Grande Gorge

  Outside of Taos. Erosion marches onward. The Rio Grande Gorge.